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Eye Muscles.webp

看看这张照片。你看到固定上斜肌的滑车了吗?对于机械需求来说,这是一个多么出色的解决方案!滑车就像滑轮一样,在恰到好处的位置提供杠杆作用,使上斜肌能够快速改变方向。现在,根据进化论,这一切都是在数百万年和数十亿年中自行发展起来的。首先是虚无的爆炸,所有的物质和时间都从这里开始。相信这需要信仰,因为没有人看到它发生,顺便说一句,从技术上讲,这使得对进化的信仰成为一种宗教。在那之后,岩石聚集在一起形成了一个我们称之为地球的行星,尽管在一定大小之后,太空岩石在碰撞时往往会相互分解,而不是聚集在一起。地球形成并恰好停在合适的大小,并且恰好在季节中处于完美的 23.5 度倾斜。它处于恰到好处的轨道,以恰到好处的速度,以完美的自旋率,围绕着恰到好处的恒星类型,以完美的大小、亮度和质量来满足理想的引力。我们也碰巧拥有完美大小的月亮,它也在正确的轨道上为我们的潮汐形成精确和理想的模式,这为我们的风暴提供燃料,浇灌土地,这样我们就可以呼吸它们在大气中呼出的东西具有气体、温度、信风以及非常重要的磁场的完美平衡。在开始的某个时刻,刚刚形成了一种“原始汤”,具有需要氧气存在的腐蚀性气氛(所需的氧气量实际上会杀死生物),氨基酸只是意外地从 2000 种氨基酸中形成。只有20个是终身使用的,所以这是一个远射!尽管只有这些氨基酸随机形成以制造一种单一蛋白质的可能性在天文数字上是深不可测的,但根据该模型,不仅有一种形成,而且许多形成了。因此,蛋白质也会自行构建,因为为什么不继续做不可能的事情。然后,这个极其复杂的细胞想出了如何制造 DNA,然后编写、读取、修复、处理和复制它,所有这些都是细胞在组装之前所需要的。它也恰好比人类能够编写的任何代码都要先进得多。幸运的是,除其他外,线粒体想出了如何利用质子的力量来为所有疯狂复杂的“随机机会”提供燃料。









It doesn’t take an expert in science to recognize the burst of giants who pioneered the fields of physics, chemistry, and math. These are the organized fields of specific principles that have been developed, as a means for us to gain more understanding about the universe that surrounds us. 


I know most people probably don't even remember from school, who Euler, Boyle, or Pascal are, or what exactly landed them into the hall of fame for science and physics. Historians may take note and remember, because they were so instrumental in advancing mankind far beyond primitive technology. Scientists of all kinds respect them for their brilliant minds, and how they accomplished, what they accomplished. They have even been idolized by many in the pursuit of knowledge, hoping that they too could be like them, written into history, because they discovered something new and amazing. 


One of the most fascinating things to ponder about all of this, is learning how these people solved certain problems, prior to even understanding the mechanics of any particular observable function? They’re on the fringe of a discovery. They are pioneering things that are not understood. To say it another way, so that this is fully understood, how do you set up a measurable,  mechanical test, in order to understand a thing you don’t fully understand? That, is what science is all about, and why the scientific method should be followed.


Every good scientist studying the fringe of understanding, should desire to know the answer to this major question. What are the ingredients of scientific philosophy that close our gap in understanding, and land you on a reasonable conclusion? I believe it is far more than just having a great base of knowledge, and just getting lucky by tripping over new data, and analyzing it. If a scientist already has a great mind, and an excellent knowledge base, the most important factors after that are being observant and very honest. Quite often, highly intelligent people and the proud, are two legs wearing the same pants. 


The bible says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools,” Romans 1:20-22


There was a massive wave of growth in scientific understanding, and at that time there was also a religious war between denominations, causing many people to examine the Bible closely in order to gain clarity of the truth. Doing that has a profound effect on one’s faith, and a big influence on how they view our existence. Especially, those with a lot of knowledge and a scientific mind.


A smart scientist needs to get out of their own way by removing their ego, and by being brutally honest with themselves, their measurements, and by including all of the variables. Submitting to, and acknowledging the sound philosophy that our world was very intelligently designed, by a creator of order and math, will get that person there much faster, so that they can see things from the proper perspective. It makes doing science, a lot easier, and far more productive. 


How does a man who denies the creator of a thing, ever expect to be efficient in his studies of that thing, when he feels it arrived by chance, rather than deliberate design and careful thought. It is the same as a builder who denies the existence of the architect! Just imagine how much more effective he would be, if he trusted that creation was put there on purpose, and he tried to understand the thinking behind it, rather than believing it came from chaos, and spending all of his time trying to spot the changes in evolution. That would be like a builder spending all of his time scanning the blueprints for differences and similarities, in order to derive the imperceivable transitions of evolution from whence it came, by means of natural selection in order to determine the cause and junctions of beneficial progress. Even though that is a very subjective thing if left to the fallen mind of one man. Wouldn’t a builder be far more productive if they trusted that there was a wise creator of order and math, and they instead spent their time trying to learn the nature of the build, so that they could learn more about the nature of the one who built it? 


To explain further, Pythagorean theorem (a2 + b2 = c2) was true since the beginning of time, long before it was known, or Pythagoras made it popular. The same is true for the balance of the 4 forces, the laws of thermodynamics, Einsteins relativity, and the list goes on and on. Obviously, these scientists did not invent these things and so now we have them, they merely saw them, understood them, and recognized them. They put these theories to the test, in order to verify them, and when the results match the hypothesis, we may have a better understanding of the master architect, engineer, chemist, physicist, mechanic, fabricator, etc. who created all these things. Johann Kepler said we are, “thinking God's thoughts after Him.”  Isaac Newton believed that scientific investigation leads to a greater knowledge of God the Creator of the universe.


So, what created the explosion of scientific advancements in the span of a few hundred years with these amazing discoveries? Don’t just assume it was only the timing of scientific exploration. There was a lot going on at that time, and the minds of men are far more provoked into deep thought, than by the mere diligence of study. There are many factors of circumstance that determine the thoughts of men, from family, to school, to country, general timing, and wars, but as for today, I do believe we can at least look back now and ask ourselves, what can I do to put myself into their state of mind, so that I can think more efficiently, and effectively?


If you pick any scientific person of notoriety, and find out what they studied, and how they tackled certain problems, you can begin to learn the philosophy behind the thing. You learn how these people solved the "problem." You learn the mechanics behind the physics, or chemistry, and you learn a lot about what makes a given thing happen. And so, you can begin to put yourself in their shoes and understand what problems they were trying to solve before they understood what they were observing, and how they devised mechanical ways to mathematically measure their hypotheses. For example, take an instrument used everyday that so many people just take for granted. How does a thermometer actually work? Why mercury? Why that scale of Fahrenheit, or Celsius? If you ask these questions, you will run into people like Boyle and Pascal, who made this possible for guys like Celsius and Fahrenheit (all believers in God), to use the principle in order to develop an instrument of science like the mercury thermometer. or Galileo’s water thermometer (Also Christian) 


There is most definitely a common knowledge of the creator amongst these men, who went searching for laws and order, because they believed in a God of law and order. A supreme creator of math and boundaries… Yes indeed, without boundaries the word “moral” would not exist, but the same is true for science. Without boundaries, without a defined starting point and a defined end, there would be no place to place your measuring tape, and therefore, no measurement possible, no defined value, there is no understanding, and no truth at all.  Fortunately, that is not the case, there is a beginning and an end, there is a right and a wrong, we live in a cursed world where spectrums exist, and so where there is love, there is hate, and a place for proper boundaries whether scientific, or moral.


The following founders of scientific understanding believed this to be true, and it made them better scientists, because they weren’t wasting their time trying to justify their actions by denying a moral creator and judge over all life, or by trying to dilute the boundaries of our very existence. They weren’t making the claim that the universe developed itself over eons of time so slowly that we can’t measure it, or even collect evidence for the hypothesis. That is not science at all, it is a religion of faith built without evidence on the imaginations of those who don’t want to be told what they can, or cannot do. “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.”


The following, is a list of scientists who believed in God. These were not only real scientists, but men who put their faith in what evidence attested to. Faith in a creator, an omniscient being who is outside of time, and matter. A being who proved his divine authorship over the Bible, as is undeniable when one sets his hand to what was written in it. Which is a document of his interactions with mankind, written by about 40 scribes, over the span of around 2000 years, on 3 different continents, with not only remarkably specific prophecies, but a united message for salvation. Believe in Jesus Christ, “call on him, and you will be saved.” Romans 10:13. “For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:20,21

50 Famous Scientists Who Believed In God

Much of this section comes from this page, by the Doc. - Thank you


law of universal gravitation and his laws of motion; produced the math style known as calculus; built the first ever reflecting telescope; showed sunlight is made of all the colors of the rainbow.

Dissenting Protestant who spent more time on Bible study than math and physics.

Antoine Lavoisier.jpeg

A founder of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen’s role in combustion and respiration; discovered that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen; named the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.


A Roman Catholic believer in the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures.

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Discovered electromagnetic induction, and the first link between light and magnetism; carried out the first room-temperature liquefaction of a gas. Demonstrated how a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current.

A Christian who's faith played a significant role with his approach to scientific inquiry, emphasizing honesty, humility, and service to others. He believed that his scientific work was a way to understand and appreciate the wonders of God's creation.

Gregor Mendel_edited.jpg

Founded the science of genetics; identified many of the mathematical rules of heredity; identified recessive and dominant traits.

A Roman Catholic Augustinian abbot. He saw his study of pea plants and the laws of inheritance as a way to understand God's creation and the order inherent in nature.

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Discovered that light can behave as a particle as well as a wave, and coined the word photon to describe a particle of light. His discovery was one of the pivotal revelations of physics.

Compton, a pioneer in quantum mechanics, believed science pointed to an intelligent designer behind the universe. He saw no conflict between his scientific discoveries and his faith.

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Transformed geometry providing the foundation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity; the Riemann hypothesis has become the most famous unresolved problem in mathematics. He made profound, far-sighted discoveries with lasting consequences for mathematics and our understanding of space, gravity, and time. Son of a Lutheran pastor. A devout Christian who died reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

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Invented the laser and maser. Established that the Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its center.

A member of the United Church of Christ. Prayed daily. Wrote books linking science and religion; believed religion more important than science.

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Dalton’s Atomic Theory is the basis of chemistry; discovered Gay-Lussac’s Law relating temperature, volume, and pressure of gases; discovered the law of partial gas pressures.

A faithful Quaker who lived modestly.

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Discovered that atoms have the same number of electrons as their atomic number and that X-rays emitted by excited atoms are ‘fingerprints’ for the atom.

A Methodist who believed science was part of his quest for God.

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Invented the electric battery; wrote the first electromotive series; isolated methane for the first time.

A Roman Catholic who declared that he had never wavered in his faith.

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The father of the computer, invented the Analytical Engine, a Turing Complete computer in 1837 – the first general purpose computer.

A Protestant devotee who devoted a chapter of his autobiography to a discussion of his faith.

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Discovered the electrical nature of chemical bonding. Used electricity to split several substances into their basic building blocks for the first time, discovering chlorine and iodine; produced the first ever samples of the elements barium, boron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and strontium.

​Said that God’s design was revealed by chemical investigations.

John Ambrose Fleming.jpeg

Founded the electronic age with his invention of the vacuum tube (thermionic valve); devised the hand rules for electric motors and generators.

A devout Christian who preached about the Resurrection and founded the creationist Evolution Protest Movement.

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Best known for creating the system we use today to classify and name plants and animals, called binomial nomenclature. He is referred to as the "Father of Modern Taxonomy."

He was a devout Christian and believed in a God who created the natural world. He saw studying nature as a way to understand God's divine plan. He believed each species was created by God in its current form and wouldn't change. He acknowledged variations within species, but considered them minor and attributed them to factors like adaptation.

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Invented, built, and flew the world's first successful airplane: On December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, they made the first controlled, sustained flight of an engine-powered, pen spark heavier than air aircraft with their Wright Flyer  Wright Flyer on Wikipedia.

The Christian character displayed by the Wright brothers was evident to those around them. “He never tired of relating the positive effect that the Bible had had on his children.”

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Theory of relativity, special relativity, photoelectric effect, space time, physics, and mathematics, there aren't many who haven't heard of Einstein. 

Einstein was not a conventional theist” nor consistent in his views about religion during his life, but he believed in “some kind of intelligence working its way through nature. " He said, "The more I study science, the more I believe in God."

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Joule's experiments showed us much of what we know about energy and thermodynamics. Mechanical work could be converted into heat. He developed Joule's law (the relationship between heat and the electricity passing through it).

​He believed knowing God's will and following it was most important, but after that, it was important to understand God's attributes through his creation, and studying the laws of nature was like learning about God's mind.​

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Invented positional cloning. Took part in discovery of the genes for cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and neurofibromatosis. Directed National Human Genome Research Institute for 15 years.

Atheist turned devout Christian, telling many about his journey to Jesus Christ.

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independently invented differential and integral calculus, alongside Isaac Newton. Also, developed the binary number system, the foundation for modern computers. most famous philosophical concept is the theory of monads. He invented the mechanical calculator wheel.

He believed that God must exist, must be perfect, and his existence could be proven. A Protestant, Trinitarian Christian.

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The originator of quantum theory, and introduced the concept of energy quanta. Won a Nobel Prize in Physics. Developed "Planck's Constant."

Planck was more engaged with lecturing on the nature of God and religion than he was with conducting scientific research. Planck believed in a God who created the universe. He prayed before meals and attended church, serving as a church elder for twenty-seven years.

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He was a major figure influencing both philosophy, and math. "I think, therefore I am". He was credited with inventing analytic geometry, which connected algebra and geometry, and led to the coordinate system, and also calculus. He was an advocated for a scientific method.

Believed in God's existence and saw it as crucial for his philosophical project. He aimed to establish a foundation for knowledge based on reason and logic. He proposed several arguments for God's existence, most famously the ontological argument.

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One of the primary creators of quantum mechanics. Formulated the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. He is widely considered as one of the most influential figures in nuclear physics, particle physics and quantum field theory.

A Lutheran with deep Christian convictions.

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Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the physiology of synapses.

Christian and sometimes practicing Roman Catholic. Believed in a Divine Providence operating over and above the materialistic happenings of biological evolution.

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Often credited as the “father of experimental physiology”. His contributions ranged across anatomy, physiology, embryology, botany and poetry.

A Protestant, wrote religious texts and helped organize the construction of the Reformed Church in Göttingen.

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Improved the agricultural economy of the USA by promoting nitrogen providing peanuts as an alternative crop to cotton to prevent soil depletion.

A Protestant Evangelist and Bible class leader whose faith in Jesus was the mechanism through which he carried out his scientific work.

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Pioneer of modern chemistry. Defined elements, compounds, and mixtures. Discovered Boyle’s Law – the first of the gas laws – relating the pressure of a gas to its volume; he established that electrical forces are transmitted through a vacuum.

Leader in Bible distribution. Said that a deeper understanding of science was a higher glorification of God.

Leonard Euler_edited.jpg

One of the greatest mathematicians in history: work encompassed all of mathematics, nearly all of physics, and a significant part of astronomy.

Wrote multiple books Concerning the Bible, and was a Young earth creationist arguing it was created around 5500 BC. The son of a Calvinist pastor. Wrote religious texts and is commemorated by the Lutheran Church.

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Transformed our understanding of nature: his famous equations unified the forces of electricity and magnetism, indicating that light is an electromagnetic wave. His kinetic theory established that temperature is entirely dependent on the speeds of particles.

An evangelical Protestant who learned the Bible by heart at age 14.

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Devised Pascal’s triangle for the binomial coefficients and co-founded probability theory. Invented the hydraulic press and the mechanical calculator.

A Roman Catholic theologian. Pascal’s wager justifies belief in God. his faith became central to his life and writings. emphasized the importance of faith and reason, arguing that while reason can lead to knowledge of the natural world, true fulfillment and understanding come through a personal relationship with God.

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Unified evolution by natural selection with Mendel’s rules of inheritance, so defining the new field of population genetics. Invented experimental design; devised the statistical concept of variance.

A devout Anglican: made religious broadcasts, and wrote religious articles. It's important to note that some find Fisher's views on eugenics clashed with his Christian faith.

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Discovered that space and the universe are expanding; discovered Hubble’s law; proposed the universe began with the explosion of a ‘primeval atom’ whose matter spread and evolved to form the galaxies and stars we observe today.

Studied to be a Roman Catholic priest, and nearly chose that life.

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A mathematical physicist who made enormous contributions to science: he founded modern statistical mechanics, he founded chemical thermodynamics, and he invented vector analysis.

Member of the Congregational Church who attended services every week.

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Revolutionized number theory and invented the method of least squares and the fast Fourier transform. His profound contributions to the physical sciences include Gauss’s Law & Gauss’s Law for Magnetism.

A Lutheran Protestant who believed science revealed the immortal human soul and that there is complete unity between science and God.

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J. J.

Discovered the electron; invented one of the most powerful tools in analytical chemistry – the mass spectrometer; obtained the first evidence for isotopes of stable elements.

​A practicing Anglican who prayed and read the Bible daily. 

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Codified the first two laws of thermodynamics, deduced the absolute zero of temperature is -273.15 °C. On the Kelvin scale, absolute zero is found at 0 kelvin.

An elder of the Free Church of Scotland.

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One of the founders of modern geology and stratigraphy.

Born a Lutheran, converted to Catholicism and became a bishop.

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He was the first scientist to propose stars obtain their energy from nuclear fusion. Experimentally verified Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

A Quaker, who believed the hand that made us is Divine.

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Astronomer and mathematician most famous for his three laws of planetary motion. These laws describe how planets move around the Sun in elliptical orbits, not perfect circles. His work helped lay the foundation for Isaac Newton's theory of gravity. Kepler initially intended to become a minister, and his faith remained important to him throughout his life. believed God created a logical, orderly universe and that science was a way to understand God's creation

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French scientist who made significant contributions to biology, chemistry, and medicine. He developed several ground breaking vaccines, pasteurization, and germ theory of vaccines.

a devout Christian who believed in God as the creator of all living things. He firmly rejected the prevailing idea that life arose spontaneously from non-living matter. His experiments disproved this theory, establishing the concept of biogenesis: life comes only from life.

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He was a leading figure in developing the V-2 rocket, a powerful weapon used against Allied forces during World War II. He was a member of the Nazi Party and the SS. After the war he was recruited by the U.S. government in Operation Paperclip to develop the Saturn 5 rocket used during Apollo eleven. He expressed views that suggested a belief in a creator behind the universe. He was impressed by the order and complexity he saw in nature, which he felt pointed to design.

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Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics after he artificially split the atom and proved that E = mc2.

A devout Methodist, who said science was a way of knowing more about God.

Francis Bacon.jpeg

Considered to be the man primarily responsible for the formulation and establishment of the “scientific method”. His writings are also credited with leading to the founding of the Royal Society of London.

He a devout believer in the Bible. He wrote: “There are two books laid before us to study, to prevent our falling into error; first, the volume of the Scriptures, which reveal the will of God; then the volume of the Creatures, which express His power.”

galileo galilei.jpeg

Astronomer, physicist, engineer, and even a philosopher. He significantly improved the telescope, and many celestial discoveries. developed foundational principles of physics, including the law of falling bodies and the concept of inertia.

He was a devout Christian, who believed that science and religion could coexist. He saw the universe and the Bible as two ways God reveals himself. 

Guglielmo Marconi.jpeg

He developed shortwave radio communication, and invented a practical wireless telegraph system, which laid the foundation for what we now call radio. Won a Nobel Prize in Physics. 

"The more I work with the powers of Nature, the more I feel God's benevolence"

He viewed scientific discovery as a way of understanding God's will, and made analogies between radio waves and prayer.

Nicholas Copernicus.jpeg

A Renaissance polymath, famous for his studies of a heliocentric solar system. however, was proficient in Economics, Law, Medicine, and Mathematics, which he used in Engineering. 

He was a devout Christian and believed that seeking knowledge about the universe was a way to glorify God. He saw reason and faith as compatible, and that a heliocentric Solar system did not challenge God's word.

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He made significant contributions to our understanding of the fundamental nature of electricity and light. Measured the Charge of an Electron with the oil-drop experiment. Conducted many useful conducted experiments on the photoelectric effect, leading to a better understanding of quantum mechanics. Won a Nobel Prize. 

Millikan himself expressed belief in God. He argued that reflecting on the universe leads one to believe in a higher power. God Is the grand architect.

William Harvey.jpeg

Most famous for completely describing and detailing the systemic circulation of blood. This means he figured out that the heart pumps blood throughout the body in a closed loop system.

"Nature is a volume of which God is the author." Harvey believed in the divine authorship and authority of the Bible and the deity of Christ.

Mary Anning.jpeg

Discovered the first complete specimen of a plesiosaur; deduced the diets of dinosaurs.

​A devoted Anglican, spent her spare time reading the Bible. 

Florence Nightingale.jpeg

Transformed nursing into a respected, highly trained profession; used statistics to analyze wider health outcomes; advocated sanitary reforms largely credited with adding 20 years to life expectancy between 1871 and 1935.

An Anglican who believed God spoke to her, calling her to her work.

Samuel Morse.jpeg

Took part in the invention of a single-wire telegraph and patented it. Developed the Morse code.

A Calvinist with Unitarian sympathies who funded a lectureship considering the relation of the Bible to the Sciences.







pedigree of man



Macro evolution vs micro

名為“上帝創造的原始動物到底是什麼樣的?-托德伍德博士”的視頻是由名為由神奇的小组制作 创世纪是历史吗?在這段視頻中,他們描述了基因編碼的謎題真的是多麼奇妙。他們研究究竟是什麼導致動物種類在如此短的時間內發生如此大的變化?例如,當我們人類培育狗種時,故意關閉狗基因中不需要的特徵,並攜帶所需的特徵。它的基因究竟發生了什麼?

















上帝創造的原始動物到底是什麼樣的? -托德·伍德博士16:37


What Is Science?





確實有一個科學家族和一個既定的等級制度。如果您不遵守他們的條款和概念,您將被逐出教會,並被剝奪資金,而且沒有機會返回。許多人非常清楚這是多麼真實,因為他們親身經歷過。然而,這並不像他們希望的那樣秘密。稍後您將看到 本·斯坦 的視頻。目前,以下標題為“什麼是科學”的視頻是由教授和博士 菲利普·斯托特 製作的一組精彩視頻。一個在科學界擁有令人印象深刻的證書和經驗的人。這些只是他在 youtube 上的系列視頻的前兩個,但每個視頻都是另一層厚厚的知識。這是有關他的更多信息的鏈接。



Chinese Scientific Method bmp.bmp

1 |什麼是科學? 7:40

2 |什麼是科學? (續) 5:43



“被驅逐:沒有情報(完整電影)” 1:37:59



What are the Odds?
intelligence being used to disprove intellegence


    根據“達爾文進化論”,某物從無到有爆炸,物理定律,化學定律,宇宙中的所有物質,時間本身都到來了。行星以某種方式由碰撞的太空碎片形成,儘管所有太空碎片一旦達到一定大小,往往會在碰撞中分解成更小的碎片,而太空氣體則形成恆星,即使氣體傾向於擴散而不是吸引。然後是水,生命所需的主要成分之一,以某種方式在地球表面大量收集,儘管水在我們的太陽存在的極端溫度下以及在真空條件下往往會沸騰,例如自然界的空間。在某些時候,在這種水中形成了氨基酸,儘管在人類智慧而非偶然的指導下做出了最好的嘗試,但在 Miller-Urey 實驗中僅導致左撇子和右撇子的一半混合氨基酸,它只存在於事物中,一旦它死亡。生物的每種蛋白質中只有 一百百分 的左手氨基酸。一半一半的混合物是有毒的,正如您將在名為“創世紀的答案:進化論者的四個權力問題”的視頻中看到的那樣。  


    即使我們忽略了所有的事情,比如我們軌道的完美距離,行星以恰到好處的速度旋轉的完美傾斜,以及恰到好處的月球、太陽、大氣、化學和物理特性,以及其他無數的完美,如果有任何改變,我們將無法生存或曾經存在過......然後我們授予進化論者擁有完美環境的憐憫,讓所有可能的氨基酸都可用構成地球的整個質量,並問,“僅僅從支持生命的 二十 種氨基酸,在超過 二千 種不支持生命的氨基酸中,偶然形成一種標準蛋白質的機率有多大?”結果在天文上是深不可測的,而且深度也各不相同,這取決於人們願意用數學給予他們多少懷疑的好處。這個數字實際上太高了,以至於數學太龐大而無法嘗試實際計算它。下面的一個視頻展示了一個視覺類比來嘗試設想這個數字的大小,另一個視頻展示了數學的來源。  




Evolution revisited


“肯特·霍文德贏得對比爾·奈的辯論” 14:39


信息從哪裡來?” 21:00


或進化“ 16:00

“突變真的是達爾文進化背後的驅動力嗎?-凱文安德森博士” 19:43


對於進化論者 49:57




darwins book



在他的下一本書《人類的起源》(一千八百七十一 年)中,達爾文根據他認為與大猩猩的接近程度和相似程度對種族進行了排名。然後他繼續提議消滅他“科學地”定義為低等的種族。他聲稱,如果不這樣做,那些出生率遠高於“上等”種族的種族,將耗盡更好的人生存所需的資源,最終拖累整個文明。 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .現在我同意,一般人肯定會變得不那麼聰明,但這完全是另一個論點,與遺傳無關。

即使有了在雞或蛋出現之前就必須具備的驚人系統,遺傳學和 DNA 也只會變得更糟,而不是更好。詢問任何遺傳學家,他們都會同意熱力學第二定律,即所有事物都趨於無序。這甚至很容易親眼看到。




有了對因果關係的基本理解,就可以很容易地理解這一點。花點時間看看這裡提出的 17 個論點。



"Where is The Evolution?" 4:33

以下這些鏈接是關於進化鏈中最早的已知“鏈接”之一。它在進化鏈中有他們所謂的“原始生物系統”。它是作為化石被發現的,據說有 七千 萬年的歷史。然而,它在 一千九百三十八 年被發現仍然活著,並且完全沒有改變。你明白這是什麼意思嗎?正在出售的“進化”。絕不。發生。自己看證據。有很多這樣的例子,我們甚至沒有談到在地球最深處發現的三葉蟲是如何被認為是最古老的三葉蟲之一,擁有地球上最先進的眼睛類別,即復眼。僅憑這幾個事實,達爾文的理論就開始大規模瓦解。

Coelacenth 1



這裡列出了其他動物,它們不僅與進化背道而馳, 而且證明了它們的創造力。

Coelacenth 2
Coelacenth 3


Do you believe in unicorns

民數記 二十三:二十二














“為什麼聖經提到獨角獸” 8:09


肯定需要為這個話題做好準備,因為當辯論開始反對他們時,它是進化論者最喜歡的一張通配符。 “那聖經提到獨角獸的地方呢?你相信獨角獸嗎?”聖經清楚地指出獨角獸,不是嗎?


這個視頻很好地解釋了這一切,這只是值得一提的事情,現在需要一些澄清。被稱為 Elasmotherium sibiricum 的一隻有角犀牛很可能是聖經所指的候選者。這當然是一種不可忽視的力量,適用於它所使用的類比。


“獨角獸”(西伯利亚拉斯)“ 2:12


Chronometers in space



如果您想查看它們,這裡還有另外101 個的列表。




不到一万年的歷史” 8:17
























三万〇五百六十四 /九 = 三千三百










一个半 x 十万年=

十五万英寸/ 十二 = 一万二千五百英尺

一万二千五百 /三千三百 = 四英尺


因此,每十万年= 四英尺

一百萬年= 三十八英尺高

二百萬= 七十五英尺

五百萬= 一百八十八英尺

一千萬= 三百七十六英尺

一億年= 三千七百六十英尺高

十億年= 三万七千六百英尺高,


Spring and Neap Tides.tiff

早在潮汐對地球上的生命造成嚴重危害之前,月球就會撞上它。這兩個行星體將在相距約 九千五百 公里處達到所謂的“羅氏極限”。羅氏極限是兩個大物體彼此足夠接近的確切距離,在該距離處,將它們拉到一起的力變得大於將單個質量體保持在一起的引力。在這個極限處,當它們相互撞擊時開始分裂,然後變成一個巨大的物體。


即使在 一百 萬年之後,如此高而頻繁的海嘯也將是一件可怕的事情。 二千〇一十 年日本的海嘯非常大,高達 一百二十八 英尺,看看它發生了什麼。現在讓我們考慮 一千 萬年大關。甚至進化論者也被迫承認進化論成為可靠理論的可能性至少要經過 十 億年。在 一千 萬年後,潮汐將擺動 三百七十六 英尺,這將摧毀地球。只是為了在那里扔另一個扳手,進化論者說月球來自地球,地球表面以每小時 一千 英里的速度旋轉得非常快,而且它也有 二十三.五 度的旋轉傾斜,所以由於角力矩守恆定律,月亮也應該在旋轉並在相同的軸向傾斜。然而,作為上帝的另一個奇蹟,我們稱之為“潮汐鎖”,月亮的同一張臉總是在回望我們。


除了完成所有這些數學運算之外,正如我所說的,為了保持簡單,它就像是一個線性效應一樣,但事實並非如此。對太陽和月亮質量的潮汐吸引力將是雙曲線的,就像兩個磁鐵靠近時一樣。每平分一次,效果實際上會強 4 倍左右。這是由於“平方反比定律”,這意味著所有這些數字都被嚴重低估了。其實會差很多。只需返回數學並將每個“腳高”結果“四倍”,即可獲得真正的答案。




宇宙的非凡設計 - 丹尼福克納博士 20:14









“太陽每秒消耗約6億噸氫。 (對於第八功率噸,這是六 次 十噸。)相比之下,對於二十一功率噸,地球的質量約為1和三分之一 x 十。這意味著太陽在大約七万年內消耗了地球的質量。 〜博士路易斯·巴比爾-(美国宇航局)






十一年太陽週期的周期性由於沒有您可以實際用作週期性基礎的適時事件而變得複雜。然而,太陽比你提到的“七到十八年範圍”更規律。您可以查看此圖像以了解太陽活動的最佳長期測量值(太陽黑子數)。現代觀測可以更好地衡量太陽變化,但我們只有兩三個週期的數據。實際的長期週期略高於十一年,非常穩定。有些科學家查看太陽活動的統計數據並可能發現了其他週期性,但對於普通大眾來說,十一 年和 十二 年之間實際上沒有區別,特別是考慮到太陽活動最小值和太陽最大值的廣泛且不規則的時間結構.

Eric Christian 博士(2003 年 10 月)






即使引力以適當的速度下降,以至於它的直徑與它燃燒的燃料成正比擴大,並且它的直徑大致保持不變,即使在一百萬年的時間裡,引力仍然會顯著下降,因為它一直在燃燒它自己的質量。重力對我們的軌道非常重要,而軌道對我們的季節和溫度也非常重要。對於傳遞的熱量、軌道的橢圓、地球自轉的 二十三 度半傾斜度的完美平衡也是如此,這給了我們季節。月球也是如此,它為我們的海洋提供潮汐,而天氣系統則創造了更多地保護太陽的風暴。這反過來又為我們的土壤提供氮和雨水來養活植物,讓它們釋放氧氣,讓哺乳動物呼吸,作為回報,為植物的光合作用呼出二氧化碳。如果太陽不合適,這一切都不可能存在。




事實是,它正在被用完,因此它的功能正在下降,並沒有從無處提供無限的能量中保持完全不變。 在某些時候,您必須承認我們所知道的我們的存在,從沒有發生和爆炸是絕對荒謬的! 你越早承認這是荒謬的,你就會越早意識到偉大設計師的存在更有意義。下一步是找出這位創造者是否讓我們以任何方式了解他。我震驚地發現只有一種所謂的宗教不僅站得住腳,而且在證據、字面和哲學上都有大量的支持。它甚至通過其書面細節等證明它是神聖的作者。好消息是,現在驗證並不難,大部分​​研究已經完成,你所要做的就是去看看。幸運的是,您來到了正確的網站,其中很多都在這裡等著您。











    表達觀點的一個好方法是誇張化;誇大場景,以更好地揭示其影響程度。當我們用微生物學研究宇宙的浩瀚或生命的最小形式時,這是為我們所做的。在這樣做的過程中,我們最終應該會意識到,我們不可能解釋任何事情是如何開始的。 不是 它不僅是不可約的複雜,而且還有一個確定的 開始, 但它是從哪裡來的?

    在那一刻,你應該意識到這不僅僅是因為我們不了解。可以肯定地說,即使我們搶劫彼得付錢給保羅,我們也永遠不會製造一個星系,甚至不會建立一個單細胞生物!我們不負責存在,我們被放在這裡。在這個不可思議的大空間裡沒有任何東西,或者這些 難以置信地 在這個精確的宇宙中發現的小原子結構完全是偶然的。那麼誰負責,我們怎麼知道呢?  


    想想進化論者對恆星如何形成的每一個解釋,都需要其他恆星已經存在!宇宙雞和雞蛋的場景。更不用說我們從未見過恆星形式,他們只是指出我們看不到內部的氣體星雲,並說它當然發生在那裡。他們試圖兜售“暗物質”和“暗能量”的理論,但即便如此,主流天體物理學家也難以接受。 這些 視頻 作者:Spike Psarris 是我擁有的最好的視頻 曾經 看過 產生。他們是 可在以下網址購買高清畫質:

天體物理學家 無神論者到創造論者

“Spike Psarris 證詞” 7:11


-第I卷(我們創建的太陽系)“ 1:50:59


-第II卷(我們創造的星系和星系)“ 1:03:05


-第三卷(我們創造的宇宙)” 1:47:39



(短版)“ 13:47

“(不可揭穿的)宇宙微波背景證明了智能設計-但是是誰來做的?” 10:07


(深度版本)“ 1:18:15

“地平線問題-為什麼宇宙在各個方向上看起來都一樣” 2:37


为什么我相信 24 小时工作日

这篇文章太好了,不容错过。这是最好的解释,为什么我们可以从字面上理解圣经大约 6 个标准的创造日。 

繼續 第二部分






如果您相信耶穌是您的救世主,請多謝! 我们是要回家地方哥林多前書二:九發生!











然後我想起了主所說的話:“約翰受了水的洗,但是你們將受聖靈的洗。 “所以,如果上帝給了他們同樣的禮物,他給了我們相信主耶穌基督的禮物,我是誰,我認為我可以站在上帝的道路上?”當他們聽到此消息時,他們沒有其他異議,並讚美上帝,他說:“那麼,即使是對於外邦人,上帝也給予了悔改,從而使人得以生命。”




























“上帝給你的情書” 9:58

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